
March 27, 2018 admin


A fun board game turned drinking activity

What we’ll talk about:

  • What is Patchwork?
  • Rules
  • Why it’s fun
  • Turning into a drinking activity

What is Patchwork?

Patchwork is a quick, 2-player game board game that involves choosing pieces of a quilt, using them to build your own, and making and spending money in the form of buttons


A home drinking activity is just that. Drinking activities that you can do from the comfort of your own home – and sometimes even bedroom! These are our favorite types of activities because it really goes back to the core of our “mission.” We want drinking to be about quality time with loved ones, not wild drunken nights a club with people you hardly know. Drinking at home ensure that you will be safe, wake up in your own bed, (or maybe kitchen, but at least it’s your own) and not have to spend much money, if any at all.

To win

There are many home drinking activities that we like, but our favorite by far is board games. We love board games. Fun fact: Dan actually collects board games. Does this make this favorite a little biased? Yes and no. Board games are great because they have physical pieces that everyone can touch and interact with. In the world we live in now, everything is so digital that it’s nice to be able to touch something real. From little token you choose to represent your character to the art on the actual board and other pieces, each game is unique and really fun to play with.


To turn board games into a drinking activity, it depends on what kind of game you’re playing. For shorter games, we like to play loser takes a shot or drink. For longer games, we’ll create milestones in the game. Maybe when you reach a certain amount of points, lose a certain amount of team members, or make a certain amount of mistakes, you have to take a drink. Turning board games into a drinking activity this way is fun because you can really control how much you want to drunk that night depending on the milestones you choose.


One example of a board game we’ve turned into a drinking activity is “Evolution.” In this game, you become an ecosystem of animals. To win, you want to eat the most food possible. To do this, you can be an herbivore that just eats what is available at the watering hole, or become a carnivore and begin to eat the other species (yours or your opponents). Sometimes, an entire species may be wiped out which is called “Extinction.” To turn the board game into a drinking one, we had a person drink each time their species went extinct. Even if it was because they ate themselves to extinction. This made the game much more exciting because you didn’t have to wait until the end to see who wins.

Check out our full list of Board Game turned drinking activities here.


Why it’s fun

An outdoor drinking activity is not to be confused with the typical drinking activities we think of such as brunch or electronic music concerts. Our outdoor events are things that a more simple, that you may not usually think of doing, and wouldn’t usually think to add drinking to the mix. Things like exploring abandoned places, having a picnic at a nearby park, or looking at views from random high points. Outdoor activities are simple, fun ways to get out of the house, while still spending quality time with loved ones.

Turning it into a drinking activity

One of our favorite local events was the Grand Prix of Long Beach. When we went, it was the same weekend of Coachella, so it was nice to have our own version of the festival to attend. The Grand Prix is fun because everywhere you look, there is something going on. There’s a lot of walking involved and so many different booths of food, drinks, and merchandise to check out. To turn our day into a drinking event, we, obviously, had a couple beers while walking around. But, we also decided to play a game. Each time someone crashed, hit a wall, or messed up at all while driving monster trucks, we had a drink. It made it more fun because we felt really involved, rooting people on when they came close to hitting another car or wall.